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Service Status and Maintenance

We are constantly upgrading our systems to bring you a more stable network experience.Please note that during the mentioned period of scheduled maintenance, some of the services may not be available.

Current Service Status

[simple_tooltip content=’healthy’]Datacenter Core Network & Uplinks[/simple_tooltip]
[simple_tooltip content=’healthy’]Datacenter Power & Cooling[/simple_tooltip]
[simple_tooltip content=’healthy’]Cloud platform[/simple_tooltip]

Active Events

Scheduled Maintenance

5th July 2019, 18.00pm


From Saturday 13th May 2019, 0400hrs
To Saturday, 13th May 2019, 0600hrs Singapore 535224


Network Maintenance – Rerouting traffic due to network provider maintenance


Minor brief disruption expected

A DC to DC layer 2 WAN link network provider has scheduled maintenance during 17th July, 22:00 to 18th July, 0600, 30 minutes maintenance window, that will impact our WAN link traffic between two datacenters. To minimise disruption, we are conducting a network maintenance to re-route traffic via a standby WAN link.

During this maintenance, traffic will be shifted from one WAN link to the standby WAN link. There will be minor disruption and customers may experience a brief period of loss of packets in flight as the routers change the routing path. We also taking the change to put in optimization in our routing topology between the two datacenters.

Should you face any issues during this period, please assist us by doing a trace-route and ping test to your server and forward the results to support.sg@iwv.works.

For any enquiries, you may contact us at our main hotline @ 6868 1199 or email us at support.sg@iwv.works

Local Disruption

23rd July 2019, 18.00pm


FromTuesday 23rd May 2019, 0400hrs


Minor brief disruption expected

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ex libero, euismod non justo sit amet, pharetra congue orci. Nam eleifend tristique malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut congue quam nisl, mattis tristique nulla tincidunt eu. Proin lacus velit, venenatis id pellentesque dignissim, rutrum quis mauris.

Vestibulum lacinia urna mi, vitae euismod neque dictum vel. Phasellus semper sapien vitae sapien porttitor cursus. Morbi eget nunc fringilla, aliquam dolor et, hendrerit justo. Ut felis nisi, suscipit ac tristique non, commodo nec leo. Pellentesque pharetra congue sapien, non sollicitudin tortor consequat quis. Sed orci mauris, malesuada id sagittis eu, blandit egestas dolor. Duis non turpis vehicula, dignissim dui vitae, venenatis tortor.

Donec consectetur metus vel pellentesque tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus congue pellentesque metus at scelerisque. Suspendisse a purus pretium, porttitor felis vitae, tempus ante. Fusce risus nulla, consequat eget nunc eget, luctus tempus felis. Ut posuere fermentum risus et fermentum.

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