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Copyright Policy


Copyright Act Notification The Copyright Act (Chapter 63) and its subsidiary legislation (“Copyright Legislation”) protect copyright works for websites hosted in Singapore.

As a Network Service Provider, the ICONZ-Webvisions group of companies (“ICONZ-Webvisions”) is obligated under the laws of the Republic of Singapore to facilitate the control of infringing activity by removing or disabling the access to the infringing contents hosted at our Internet data center facilities in Singapore.

In the event that a copyright holder discovers infringement of his copyright and files a take-down notice to ICONZ-Webvisions, we will, in accordance with the Copyright Legislation, take reasonable steps to proceed to remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing contents from our servers (virtual and dedicated servers) and duly inform the affected end-customer. The latter can file a counter-notice to ICONZ-Webvisions for restoring the infringing contents within six (6) weeks from our notification of removal. Only take-down notices and counter-notices in the form as prescribed by the Copyright Legislation are recognized by ICONZ-Webvisions. Please therefore refer to the Copyright Legislation for the prescribed forms. Please also note it is an offence and there is criminal liability under the Copyright Legislation for the making of false notices.

All enquiries and notices must be sent to our designated representative via post, email or fax as follows:

VP, Operation and Engineering
(iWV) ICONZ-Webvisions Pte Ltd
23 Tai Seng Drive, #02-00,
Singapore (535224)
Email: feedback@iwv.works

For more information on the applicable take-down and counter-notices, please write to feedback@iwv.works.

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