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Colocation Services – Terms of Service


Customer owns the computing and related communications equipment (“Equipment”) as described in the “Equipment In-Processing Form” duly filled by customer and verified by ICONZ-Webvisions during in-processing of equipment.

With Colocation Services, ICONZ-Webvisions grants customer the right to install, operate and maintain the Equipment in the specific space or spaces (“Space”) located in the premises (“Premises”) in the data center, as specified by ICONZ-Webvisions.

Customer agrees to follow ICONZ-Webvisions’s data center policy on physical access control, access authorization, visitation notice and any other processes and procedures in order to maintain a safe and secure operating environment.

Customer is allowed the following Permitted Uses. Customer has the right to use the Space solely for the purpose of:

a. Installation of the Equipment in the Space
b. Maintaining the Equipment
c. Operating the Equipment
d. Removing the Equipment (Collectively with (a)-(d), as the “Permitted Uses”)

Unless otherwise agreed by ICONZ-Webvisions in writing, customer shall perform the Permitted Uses at its sole cost and expense. Customer represents, warrants, acknowledges and agrees that it

a. has not been granted and will not own or hold any real property interest in the Space, the Premises or the data center;
b. is a licensee and not a tenant or lease of the Space;
c. does not have any of the rights, privileges or remedies that a tenant or lessee would have under a real property lease or occupancy agreement.

Customer shall repair any damage, other than normal wear and tear, caused to the Space and/or the Premises as a consequence of any removal. Customer’s obligations under this section shall survive the termination or expiration of this Service Agreement.

ICONZ-Webvisions provides “Remote Hands Support” as part of Colocation Services, which includes:

a. Warm rebooting of Servers
b. Power cycling (turning on and off) equipment
c. Setting accessible dual in-line package (DIP) switches
d. Simple securing of cabling to connections
e. Observing, describing or reporting on indicator lights or display information on machines or consoles
f. Basic observation and reporting on local environment in the occupied Space and Premises

Remote Hands Support is provided at the discretion of ICONZ-Webvisions. Such support is limited to the execution of customer’s precise instructions for the general maintenance of Equipment. ICONZ-Webvisions is not responsible for any damages caused to hardware, loss of data or loss of service as a result of the Remote Hands Support. This service is offered as a courtesy and does not justify for any warranty or responsibilities from ICONZ-Webvisions.

ICONZ-Webvisions reserves the right to relocate, change or otherwise substitute replacement space in the Premises for the Space at any time during the contractual term of the Service Agreement hereof, provided that the replacement space is substantially similar in size and configuration to the original Space, and that ICONZ-Webvisions shall provide customer within 90 days prior written notice of such change.

ICONZ-Webvisions retains the right to access the Space at any time to perform maintenance and repairs and to visually inspect the Equipment.

ICONZ-Webvisions does not permit customer to introduce additional power extension cords or make use of additional power sockets unless otherwise agreed within the Service Agreement. Should customer be found using additional power sockets, ICONZ-Webvisions reserves the right to demand that the customer remove any unauthorized power extension.

ICONZ-Webvisions does not permit customer the use of any recording devices, including but not limited to cameras, mobile phone cameras, video-camera, and tape recorders in the Space, the Premises and the data center without prior written permission from ICONZ-Webvisions. For power specification based on kVA, power factor value of 0.80 will be used as the conversion factor between kW and kVA, irrespective of actual power factor. Power usage of more than 10% of subscribed power will be subjected to power overage charge, as specified in the SS&P, at a minimum of 1kVA unit.

Customer is required to settle all outstanding payment to ICONZ-Webvisions before any equipment belonging to them can be removed from the ICONZ-Webvisions data center. All removal of such equipment must be scheduled on weekdays during business hours from 9a.m. to 6p.m. SGT (GMT+8) Monday to Friday. A charge of S$400 per hour will be levied to customer for any removal of equipment done outside business hours.

ICONZ-Webvisions shall bear no liability for any loss or damage resulting from the termination of Services under the Master Agreement or removal of any equipment by the customer from the ICONZ-Webvisions data center.

Customer will be given, without further notice, 7 working days from the last day of service to remove their own equipment from the ICONZ-Webvisions data center. If customer did not remove the Equipment at the end of the seventh day, ICONZ-Webvisions will power down the Equipment in the Space. A storage charge of S$10 per RU (rack unit) per day will be imposed 7 working days after the last day of service. Any storage charge must be settled in cash before the equipment can be released to the customer from the ICONZ-Webvisions data center.

Any Equipment not removed after the 30th day from the last day of service will be deemed unclaimed by the customer and ICONZ-Webvisions will exercise its rights to dispose of the Equipment in any way it deemed fit, without further notice or any compensation or liability to the customer. Customer will be charged for storage and disposal fee accordingly.

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