Backup Services – Terms of Service
ICONZ-Webvisions offers the following backup service models:
1. Self-Service Backup Service through cloud-based backup-as-a-service
2. Managed Backup Service.
Terms of Service and SLA
Customer understands that ICONZ-Webvisions does not guarantee the integrity of the backed-up data or the success of any backup or restoration process, backup time for backup process and recovery time for data restoration process.
1. Self-Service Backup Service
a. Customers will be responsible for their own backup policy and operation
b. Customers can engage ICONZ-Webvisions to perform the initial configuration and deployment of backup service.
2. Managed Backup Service
a. ICONZ-Webvisions will operate the service to backup customer’s data in accordance to a default backup and retention policy unless a customized policy is selected by customer.
b. ICONZ-Webvisions recommends customer to test the backup service periodically to determine that data is backed-up properly and can be restored successfully. For managed backup service, ICONZ-Webvisions will provide one free data file and folder recovery test and one free full server level disaster recovery test each year via support request. If a support request is raised by the Customer.
c. ICONZ-Webvisions will initiate restoration of customer’s data within two (2) hours from the time a support ticket is raised. CUSTOMER is allowed two (2) free restoration requests per month. Additional restoration request will be chargeable.
d. Data duplication or cloning for purpose other than a restoration of lost or corrupted data is not included as part of managed backup service, but may be arranged as a chargeable professional service.
e. In the event of a restoration process failure that causes a loss of customer’s data, ICONZ-Webvisions will refund the Customer one-hundred percent (100%) of CUSTOMER’s monthly backup service fee only. Such rebate is limited to one (1) per month.